

If you struggle with removing unwanted hair, you’re not alone.

Excess body or facial hair can be a problem for both women and men.

Many find it difficult to keep up with the time-consuming, ineffective hair removal treatments that they’ve performed their whole lives in the hopes of maintaining a hairless body.

Frequent hair removal chores including shaving, depilatories, plucking, and waxing are time-consuming, painful, and inconvenient.

At best, they offer only temporary results, for some only a few hours.

At The Forest Hill Spa, we’ve mastered the process of laser hair removal and stand superdrol 250 reviews behind it as one of the best ways to achieve permanent hair reduction.

Laser technology has brought us a better way, a safe, long-lasting way to remove unwanted hair from any part of the body, leaving skin feeling smooth and healthy.

Performed by trained Medical Estheticians. We use Lightsheer Diode Laser technology. Packages are available Please call for a Free Consultation – 416 484-4216